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Frequently Asked Questions

BoostReferral FAQ

💠 What is BoostReferral?

BoostReferral is a simple yet powerful SaaS-based referral tool, which can be integrated into any website, mobile application or social media channels to accelerate business growth and extend outreach through referral marketing.

💠 How does BoostReferral work?

Easily launch a referral campaign by following the instructions in the setup guide. After creating the referral campaign, invite subscribers by adding their name and email address. Subscribers will then have the opportunity to refer  your business to customers. When a customer visits your website and enrolls with your campaigns, subscribers are rewarded. BoostReferral also allows business owners to track subscriber activities.

💠 How can BoostReferral benefit my business needs?

BoostReferral boosts your business growth by enabling business owners to create customized referral programs tailored to target specific business needs. This can lead to increased conversions as a result of driving relevant traffic to your website.

💠 Who can be a “subscriber”?

Subscribers can include colleagues, family and friends.

💠 How many subscribers can I add to each referral campaign?

The quantity of subscribers permitted per referral campaign depends on the package and subscription plan selected by the account owner.

💠 What conditions must the subscribers meet to earn rewards?

To be eligible for rewards, subscribers must be able to achieve the minimum number of targets or conversions set by the business owner in a referral campaign.

💠 Can I track individual subscriber performance?

Yes, business owners can analyze a subscriber’s individual performance by downloading a subscriber report that details the number of conversions delivered by that subscriber for a particular referral campaign.

💠 Can I view data analytics from my referral campaigns?

Yes, business owners can view data analytics, monitor and control referral campaigns and also make modifications based on specific business needs.

💠 How can I define rewards in BoostReferral?

There are endless possibilities when defining subscriber rewards. Depending on the referral campaign, business owners can define rewards to engage and motivate subscribers.

💠 How many reward types does BoostReferral offer?

BoostReferral offer, two pre-defined types of reward types: digital and physical.

💠 Can I modify or add reward types to motivate my subscribers?

Yes, business owners can add or modify reward types with the goal of motivating subscribers to deliver more conversions.

💠 Can I use BoostReferral for my online and offline referral campaigns?

As of right now, business owners can only implement online referral campaign through Boost Referral. Our team of experts is working on the offline functionality so users can achieve business goals in the offline mode in the future.

💠 Can I promote my referral campaign across different marketing channels?

Yes, business owners can promote referral campaigns across various online marketing channels.

💠 How can I integrate BoostReferral into my website, mobile application or web application?

After creating a referral campaign, the account holder will be asked to enter a domain name. Upon entering a domain name the system will automatically generate a script that can be copied and pasted into the site’s code.


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